McMaster Campus Ministries Council

Meet the MCMC

Marlice Simon

Interim Ecumenical Chaplain

Todd Hoare

Treasurer Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering

Rosemary Coomber

Committee Member
McMaster Alumna

Alison Miculan

Horseshoe Falls Regional Council United Church of Canada

Sister Eileen 

Professor Emeritus
Department of Religious Studies
McMaster University

Rob Kennedy

Committee Member
Seminary School, Diaconal Ministry

Rev. John Read

Hamilton Presbytery
Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada

Kristine Sabido

Administrative Assistant
Health Information Research Unit

We appreciate your ongoing support!

Who is the MCMC and what do we do?

Active since 1972, the McMaster Campus Ministries Council (MCMC) is a group of staff, faculty and students who are part of McMaster University. The Council also includes representatives from the Anglican, Presbyterian and United Churches as well as members of the Hamilton community. These members volunteer their time to discuss the needs of students, staff and faculty (from varied departments) on campus. The council works and supports the Ecumenical Chaplain to help guide responsive programming and events.

The Council meets twice a term, while the Executive Council meets monthly. The Council is committed to interdenominational and ecumenical cooperation including with non-Christian groups. The Council seeks to express God’s love to the McMaster University Community through hiring the Ecumenical Chaplain, supporting his/her ministry on campus, conducting worship services, providing pastoral care, participating in the intellectual life of the campus, and responding to campus needs and emergencies.

How can I help?

If you are a student, we are in search of volunteer student ambassadors, so please contact us if interested! If you are an individual or an organization that would like to be involved in our work here on campus, please email

If you would like to make a donation to the MCMC, please click the DONATE button below!